Monday, August 27, 2012

First of First!

Day one of first grade has come and gone! And of course day one of Kindergarten for me...again:) Tinley's first day of pre-school hasn't started although she started with Ms. Joy last week. 

Last night we got ready for bed early. We were not asleep early, but we were ready just in case. Parker's teacher gave them a little booklet not to open until Sunday night so he was excited to read it.

It was a little poem about the night before school and how it's hard to get to sleep.

And it came with some magic sprinkles to put under your pillow to help you sleep better. Parker was all about that and Tinley needed some too!

Someone else let us borrow...The Night Before First Grade:)

There must have been some magic in that confetti because we did indeed all get up this morning!

Here is Parker with his buddy Carly (whose Mom is a teacher in our school...and she was in my class last year). They were ready to go and Parker already silly!

We went a little early so I could get back to my class for my students!

 Here is Ms. Holland!

 I think Parker had a good day...
This is what I've found out so far from him.
1- He read a book about a fish who didn't like to sleep in the water.
2- He said he took a writing test.
3- He enjoyed his snack.
4- He went to PE.
5- He saw his friend Jackson at lunch.
6-Ms. Holland is nice.

There must have been some other stuff in there that wore him out because he didn't make it half way home without snoozing.

Sleep well little first grader...a lot more to come!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Happy School Eve:)

Although I've been back to school for a couple of weeks now, tomorrow is the real day with real kids and all! Parker will head to first grade all the way on a different hall :( and I will start learning about the little ones that I will spend 180 days with. Soon we will know more than we ever imagined about each other! The alarm clock will go off in the morning and we will all have to get up.  Wishing happy days for boys and girls everywhere picking out their first day outfits and packing their pencil boxes tonight. May your teachers be jolly and bright!

Meanwhile some random pictures from our weekend.

Parker and Booya went to see The Secret Life of Timothy Green on Friday. They both seemed very touched...and although I've heard some of the scoop I will not mess it up for anyone else.

Just know that Parker is trying to rewrite part of the story in these pictures...and I wanted Booya to see them.

We've talked about Timothy Green quite a bit.

And during Daddy's yard work, a certain box with some certain papers had to be planted:)

 If you see the movie...we'll chat!

Other than that, we mostly just played, went to a birthday party... and spent some time on our various wheels.

I loved my little ladybug's I decided to take some pictures while she was still sort of clean.

She asked for more pictures and gave me her version of a photo shoot.

Silly face..

 Are these pucker lips?

We'll have to work on her modeling skills.

Our official summer days are turning to school days...

Happy School Eve!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A great love story...

If I've talked to you at all in the last few days, then I've already pointed you in the direction to "stalk" out this story over at Lynch Life...but just can't help but give a big Hallelujah for our dear friends! They finally have their girl in their arms...forever!! Watching their entire journey unfold has been an amazing look at God's faithfulness...and reading their blog is like reading a great love story unfold. (If I could talk to Sheryl, I'd ask her how to link it, but just look at blogs I follow and settle in to read!)

I remember back in college (just a few years ago) when Sheryl said she'd love to someday adopt a little girl from China...

Fast forward several years...
I remember when Andy and Sheryl  decided to make it official that they were indeed going to adopt. We had a little celebration shower for this journey's begin. 

Here they are sporting some of their first "pink" as they began the adventure and paperwork ahead. I'm sure I don't know the half of it...but I know they have worked hard! They have been such an example as they have trusted God in this journey.

So many steps in between...but here we are learning of Lucy's name and seeing her sweet face for the first time!

And just a few short weeks ago, Sheryl came to visit...when she left we knew our next time we'd be seeing each other would be with her girl by her side!

And here she is indeed with an adorable happy girl in her arms. Mother and daughter have some pretty bright smiles!

Look at this happy family! This brings so much joy to everyone who sees this love story....I'm so happy for them to start their happily ever after together.

Around here we're pretty glued to the computer (even Tinley says lets find "Wucy")...but can hardly wait to see this family in real life!! 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Weekends are back...

Now that I'm working again, the weekends again seem like weekends and not just more days that we don't have to get up:) Although I do enjoy not knowing the difference...I will remember to be thankful for Saturday and Sunday again. Here are some random pictures.

Slushy Magic!! Parker has been wanting this for a long time.

He was very excited to have another fun present in the mail. This weeks mail could be disappointing compared to last week. I do believe there will be lots of slushiness in our future.

Since it was finally Parker's real birthday, we had a whole ninja left to eat.

And Tinley tried to do her share.

There have been lots and lots of legos...They are in fact taking over our house. Now Tinley even thinks she needs legos too.  Grandpa and Grandma came to keep the kids Friday and helped them with some of the many lego projects.

We looked for some fossils from some rocks brought back from their trip...and decided this was a job that would require lots of patience.

A little pinata swinging in the garage...

Sarah came over to help us out.

Saturday we did lots of get to Jacklyn's wedding.  Here is a picture of the beautiful bride (or princess) as Tinley likes to say.

 We saw some of our favorite folks...

Did I mention the wedding was beside a barn...the reception in a barn...making for lots of curious guests.

Some fun games...wish we still had the cowboy boots!

Lots of dancing involved!

Today Brandon taught me a teeny tiny about photo editing in Camera Raw. I tried working on this picture but I'm going to need a few more lessons. I was proud of myself for getting to the actual program though.

After our drive back last night, we slept in a bit and spent the rest of the day running errands and getting ready for a real Monday. Excited for news from China tomorrow! It's going to be a great day!