Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tea and Cheese Please!

After a long week, it was nice to have the weekend to regroup and hang out.  Friday afternoon Parker and Tinley had some tea with her new tea set (thanks to the Zinn family!).  It must be nice for Parker to have a sister and give him a good excuse for a tea party...It must be nice for Tinley to have a brother who will enjoy tea and appreciate her love for Cinderella (they are at Disney World after all!)

As you see, our party started on the ground...we are fancy around here.

Eventually (*this is Parker's word of the week), we moved to the table after several spills were crowding our space.  
*Parker continues to use eventually in a sentence as he discovered this new word he'd like to try out. I asked him to use it for Brandon last night. He said, eventually I will find a girlfriend so I can get married and if I don't, I won't.  Very deep.

Today we spent a lot of the morning cleaning up, doing laundry, and some other have to's on our list. Our neighbors were nice enough to let Parker "help" in their garden to keep him entertained while Tinley was napping and we were finishing up.

 Parker has decided he'd like to do Spring T-ball so it was a nice day for some practice.

 Oops, lost the ball...

 Found the ball...

We think he seems to be improving from the fall already...

 But even if not, his mama sure thinks he looks cute trying...We shall see!

We finally managed to leave the house and with encouragement from some coupons decided to visit Chuck E Cheese since it's been a while since we've seen him. It was a nice surprise for the kids and they certainly acted plenty excited. Of course I didn't take my camera there because I can hardly keep up with my family...These are some pictures from Brandon's phone so even though they are not that they are.

Here is Parker contemplating what to do first and telling me that Chuck E Cheese is on a coin so he must be a President. I am hoping he was trying to make a joke:)

Tinley spotting the big Chuck E Cheese in real life:) I don't know what it is about mice...No one seems to like the real thing, but put them in a costume and they're pretty famous. Tinley loves Mickey and Chuck E!

A ride around the much fun!

A simulator...Tinley will go where Parker goes...He chose a jet pack adventure and of course she was along for the ride. 

When we got back, there was just enough time to play with the rocket they won with their tickets...and a huddle that turned into a cuddle:)

So thankful Saturdays come just when you need them most!

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