Tuesday, February 14, 2012


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also- Matthew 6:21

In the past couple of weeks, we've been teaching about the heart (the real heart, not the shape). Then we've also been learning about the origins of Valentine's Day...and discussing the heart shape...a whole lot of heart.  Anyways-After learning about St. Valentine and how he married people when it was against the law, we also learned that people first made Valentine's Day about hearts because they thought that is where their feelings came from , but really it's your brain that controls your feelings....I think maybe they were talking about the heart as God does...your souls heart...(this is my serious thought) and maybe they thought the heart shape was a lot prettier than a fist shaped organ (trivial thought).  I always like Valentine's Day for the silly reasons and any opportunity to think about one's real heart. This year it turns out a very good opportunity for both.  As we celebrated and enjoyed the fun things about Valentine's Day, there have been several losses among people we know this week...even the loss of Brandon's Uncle Robert.  So today I know there are happy hearts and heavy hearts but I also know that indeed where your treasure is, your heart will be also. We will be remembering and celebrating this special life later this week. Please send prayers as there will be some hard days ahead for the many people's lives that Robert has touched as a friend, father, Poppy, brother, uncle, husband and son...


Here are a few pictures of our past few days...Anna sent us home with a box. It has proven to be Thomas the Train, a hiding place, a slide...Parker even wrote his homework on it. Now I'm kind of afraid we aren't going to be able to get rid of it.

Silly chocolate faced Tinley...

 Some of our Valentine goodies...

More of the box...oh boy...They decided to pretend they were Daddy's package in the mail.

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