Sunday, August 4, 2013

Loving to the fullest

It's been a couple of weeks and no updates on here, but plenty of life events. I think I will have to make a couple of updates to catch up. Most people I have talked to know that we've been experiencing some of the sorrows of life with the loss of my Uncle Mike. As tragic as this has been, I have been inspired by story after story of his life lived for the Lord...and how so many in my family have shared Christ and a peace that surpasses all understanding. We will continue to pray for the community that surrounds them and I feel sure the "God stories" will continue. No blog post would adequately tell those but I am sure they will continue to leave their legacy. My "living life to the fullest" continues to be redefined. 

And though we share sorrows with those we love, we also share joys!  Nothing to show the beauty of life quite like a little bundle of joy. Kind of crazy that my last post on here showed Anna with a baby bump...and now she's here...really here!! My heart is filled with joy for my sweet friends and all the love surrounding them- I can hardly wait to meet this little princess in real life...until then I'll be begging for pictures and if they don't have anything else to do!  We love you little Kaylee Grace...and can't wait to watch you grow up (but not too fast- ok?)

1 comment:

  1. Love you my friend. Was just thinking about you and how you've been able to celebrate two lives this week, albeit in two very different ways. Still, worthy of celebrating indeed. Praying for your family.
