Sunday, January 29, 2012


This has been our new saying around our house.  I know it's really wise and intelligent right?  We get a lot of why questions around here and last week Tinley responded to one with this very special answer....cuz!
It sounded so sure and definite that Parker and Tinley are both walking around asking each other...why? and the other answers cuz! I admit it's fun for me to throw out a why every now and then just to hear the giggles.  Sometimes you realize the things you say when your kids repeat it back to you.  Apparently when we have nothing better to say "just because" is good enough.  I guess no matter how old you are the "whys" never stop. It seems we've heard a string of bad, hard, challenging (however you want to put it) news recently involving people surrounding us...Why? Well sometimes "cuz" is all we know but I'm thankful we know God's got a better answer than that.   Looking back it's obvious to see how some things that seemed completely unclear were so purposeful and perfect in God's plan. Trying to keep that in mind this week.

Amidst lots of why going on, we were able to divide and conquer the weekend to get everyone everywhere they needed to be...with help from lots of grandparents of course.

Friday we had school wide pajama day (best reward ever!) so Parker and I sported our pj's together. This is us at 6:30 am right before we walked out the door. Notice how awake Parker is. By the time we got to school and he had to wake up for the second time, he had already forgotten why he had on his pjs and I had to convince him we did not just forget to get him dressed.  Can 5 year olds drink coffee?

 Booya and Grandaddy picked up Parker and Tinley (thank you!) on Friday so I could stay for a Movie Night fundraiser (where I stayed in my pjs). Booya took Parker to Ray's Splash Planet for birthday party number 1 of the weekend.  She took a few pics of Parker having fun.  Meanwhile Grandaddy kept Tinley and when Brandon got off work the 3 of them headed to Graham for some things Brandon needed to do.  Brandon got racing and some visits in! (Thank you Ganny and Grandaddy!)

Booya spent the night Friday and I finally had to get out of my pjs on Saturday.  Parker somehow convinced Booya to join us for a second birthday party after a game of Candyland!

He bounced! He slid!

He played laser tag. Again look at this face...this was a combination of blinking eyes in a dark room and him feeling a little nervous about getting shot.  Very funny to watch 5 year olds play this game...a lot of wandering around in packs.

He played mini bowling...thank goodness he had some practice last week.

All was fabulous except for the mini meltdown after mini bowling. I would explain but pretty sure
it would not seem very dramatic unless you were 5.  All in all lots of fun...but all this partying made for one tired little boy! 

We were so happy Daddy and Tinley came back Saturday night and we got to spend Sunday with them. Tinley wore her new dress and her penguin tights which she pointed out to most anyone who would take a look. She couldn't even stop looking down at her "birds" to get a picture before church.

Thankfully after church she struck a pose where the penguins were hiding so she was able to smile. 

Why you ask? Cuz she says!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Smiling is my favorite. You make me smile. That makes you my favorite!
From the Movie, Elf

It's been a nice weekend although they do speed by so quickly...We are so blessed to have many favorites in our life to make us smile! Here are some of the things that made us smile this weekend.

First things first on Friday ..we had to hang our this crafty bird feeder that Tinley made at her babysitters. 

A request made by Parker for a little dancing in the kitchen. His new spin and jump move (like Ninjago of course).

A Mickey Mouse pancake...made 2 people smile (Brandon because he thought this was his most perfect one yet) 

 And Parker...for obvious reasons.

A trip to the bowling alley with Matthew and Meagan..

A 3 person effort to bowl one little ball and make one little person very excited!

Some fabulous form :)

The anticipation...waiting for a strike...

And finally came out with a spare at least to make us happy:)

A long awaited light saber battle with Daniel...(although there is a light saber or sword in every post, we really are not that violent!)

 Some good books...and some good snuggling:)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Rule Breaker or Fun Maker?

Generally when I am out and about with Tinley we get comments like...she's so sweet...what a little thing...cutie...and she is all of those things, but she's also a living on the edge, independent, out of the box, rules won't hold me back kind of girl.  You never know what she's thinking and she keeps us on our toes!

Yesterday I left the room...just to go to the bathroom. I didn't go take a nap or anything (thought about it, but didn't). And I came back to this...

So like any good Mom (ha, ha), I grabbed my camera and took a few pictures before trying to explain that taking the cushion out of the chair and repeatedly jumping off the edge probably wasn't the best way to use the furniture. Creative...yes.  Fun...yes. Wish I had the energy to even think of it...yes. Best way to show your manners...probably not. I do appreciate her attempt at safety by at least jumping into the cushion. Don't want to undermine her safety measures!

Within the same hour, she got the toothbrush (seriously might be a dentist loves to brush her teeth so much!)  and toothpaste out of the bathroom and was so proud of herself for learning to SQUEEZE it. Again, wasn't taking a nap...she's little but she's fast.  Toothpaste does not go with carpet well.

Oh Tinley, you do keep us on our toes and teach us so much. I know you will use your rule breaking, fun making self to change the world.

Sugar and SPICE and everything Nice, that's what little girls are made of!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's the little things...

I have always believed in the joy of the "little things" but I do believe kids have an extraordinary way to not only appreciate the little things but not to view them as "little" at all.  How much more thankful would we be if we did indeed appreciate all the little wonders of our world?

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. ~ 1Thessalonians 5:18

Here are some of the little things that the kids had a good time with!

*Parker got some "science glasses" that I picked up for him from the $1 spot in Target. He's already gotten quite a bit of use out of them. He's looking for science everywhere!

*Tinley's painted toes..she shows off to everyone.

* Rain boots for no particular reason or weather...


*Sitting in the same chair...just because it's more fun!

*Pretending to be a rock star... (so Brandon's not a child, but enjoying his childlike spirit!)

*Enjoying a visit from a friend...

Hope all of your "little things" are adding up!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dear Croup,

We really must end this relationship.  You come out of the strangest times, you are sneaky...and truly no fun. We tried to remain positive when you came along on our Disney vacation, we didn't even throw a tantrum when you tried to come during Christmas vacation...but 3 times in 3 months...really? I think that's enough.  You've cost us time, money, SLEEP (a lot of sleep) but most of all you bother our baby girl- and that is really not okay.  Now the doctor has said if you come again, we have to see a pulmonologist which does not sound like a good time.
But you have not gotten us down...Tinley and I have already been to the doctor, snuggled, painted our toes, and rested- and it's not even lunch time.
You're no longer welcome here....
The Bullis Family

*Before this croup business came along (again!), we were reminiscing . We were all really thinking about Disney yesterday...maybe because our Butterbean sent us this package that we were really excited about (new Mickey Mouse bowl and princess stickers) Thank you Butterbean...

So I decided to look at our Disney Pictures...and I decided to share a few of my favs....sigh...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

We...wii, wee, whee'd all weekend long

We did not actually have a lot we had to do this weekend...plenty we should, could, or might, but not a lot of have to do... That doesn't happen to us all the time so we enjoyed getting a few of the should, could, and  mights done...and  just playing too! Tinley also is practicing potty time a lot so it was nice to be home to let her take her time! We had a lot of "we" time together. 

We went to Family Fun Night at mine and Parker's school on Friday night....

We had "real" breakfast on Saturday morning (a change from our on the road breakfasts this week)...

We battled... (in the nicest way possible)

We played...

We rested...

We had some treats...

We went to church (and Tinley said "Thank you Jesus" on the way home :)

So to put it all in perspective...


Wii'd (don't underestimate Nickelodeon Wii Dance)

 Wee'd (lots of potty time :)


All weekend long!

Happy Birthday to some of our favorite people this past week!

Happy Birthday Sheryl (Jan 1st)

Happy Birthday Carly (Jan 7th)

Happy Birthday Uncle Brad  (Jan 8)