Sunday, January 22, 2012


Smiling is my favorite. You make me smile. That makes you my favorite!
From the Movie, Elf

It's been a nice weekend although they do speed by so quickly...We are so blessed to have many favorites in our life to make us smile! Here are some of the things that made us smile this weekend.

First things first on Friday ..we had to hang our this crafty bird feeder that Tinley made at her babysitters. 

A request made by Parker for a little dancing in the kitchen. His new spin and jump move (like Ninjago of course).

A Mickey Mouse pancake...made 2 people smile (Brandon because he thought this was his most perfect one yet) 

 And Parker...for obvious reasons.

A trip to the bowling alley with Matthew and Meagan..

A 3 person effort to bowl one little ball and make one little person very excited!

Some fabulous form :)

The anticipation...waiting for a strike...

And finally came out with a spare at least to make us happy:)

A long awaited light saber battle with Daniel...(although there is a light saber or sword in every post, we really are not that violent!)

 Some good books...and some good snuggling:)

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