1 Corinthians 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Thank you so much for all the prayers for Cassie. She has had a difficult week but is now out of ICU. She is still in the hospital but making progress. I have seen so much faith, so much hope and mostly I have seen LOVE as people have reached out their support and prayers. We'd love for you to continue to pray for a great recovery and for getting home!
Speaking of her going home, we've all been at work on a project to make Cassie's room a little more fit for a princess.
She's requested some butterflies and some butterflies she will have!
We all worked on painting these butterflies during the Panthers game...I think the paintings were a little more successful than the Panthers:(

But we are still fans and as Tinley says, they will come on again sometime.
And just when we couldn't bare to watch the end of the game, Booya found a volcano to make...With that and pizza- we didn't take it quite so badly.
We also got a visit with these cousins...I'm not really sure what happened to Parker in this picture?
Always fun to get in a good visit and be thankful for our time together.
Thank you again for all your prayers- and all of your faith, hope, and love. We are so blessed with great family and friends!
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