We enjoyed this nice summer...almost fall weekend (Fummer). We found lots of outside (and a little inside) to keep us moving.
Tinley got a special date night with Mom and Dad while Parker was at movie night Friday...she picked Chick fil a as her choice...where we sat at the fancy outdoor seating.
Then we went to Lowe's...not her choice, but didn't bother her either (please don't judge our baby doll!)
Saturday, we went to our local park where we saw lots of people we knew...and played and played and played!
Ate dinner at chuck e cheese which always makes us happy!
Today at church, Tinley learned about having her "listening ears" on to listen to God and Mom and Dad.
Parker practiced some hoops with Dad.
And when I said, I wish I could take a picture of you both looking so nice...they let me!
We worked on making our very own dipping dots...again.
Tinley and I went to explore a new park uptown....where there was music to make with our feet....
Buttons to push with water coming up...
Lots of things to climb...
And a little refreshment for this lady.

Meanwhile Parker and Daddy were hard at work on the bike riding...we're getting closer. Not sure if you can see the video below, but I think the practice went very well!
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