First Grader! Another milestone in Parker's life...Sometimes it's hard to believe these things keep happening. He had a great year and I will forever treasure us being in Kindergarten together. It certainly made everything a little more exciting to be experiencing it with him for the first time and it made walking in to work every morning (or running when we were late) a little easier holding the hand of my sweet boy. Thankfully we will continue going to school together...but he will be on to first grade and I will stay in Kindergarten and await the arrival of my new little children! It has been an exciting and emotional week saying good-bye to my own students, celebrating Parker's year, and saying good-bye to the Herron's who have taken such good care of Tinley. My babies really are growing up:) Thankfully all of this bittersweetness has a lot of sweetness involved with a summer of adventures that await us!
Here was Parker's first day of school this year. A new outfit, new Nike's and a nervous thumbs up!
Here is his last day of school. An outfit in a size up, 2 pairs of Nike's later, and two confident thumbs up!

Here is Tinley's first day of "school"! Great smile, a new car seat, and just enough hair to hold her bow!
Here she is on her last day..with a different but great smile, a new book, and ironically and unplanned the same bow but with lots more hair. She looks so old!
Here are some other fun days from Parker's week!
Class Party...loving his friends while they take a break from dancing!
One last picture with Ms. Ogden...she's been so good to us!
Playing with some of my students...Parker got to know his class and my class this year!
Field Day!!
Last day being my neighbor at school!
College is going to be tough...real tough...
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