For those of you who may not know it, it's good ol' Dr. Seuss' birthday. We have been Seussing it all week long at school and at home. We went to National Pancake day at IHOP where we got free pancakes ,they promoted the Lorax and they gave us free seeds, made lots of fun things at school and read LOTS of Dr. Seuss books, and finally Parker, Sadie, Tiffany and I headed out for the opening night of The Lorax tonight...very good by the way. Whew!
Every year I have the same thoughts about Dr. Seuss books.
1) Hey these really do have some good messages. (Once I read a book/ taught a youth Sunday School class once about how Dr. Seuss books related to parables in the bible. Not sure if Dr. Seuss intended that but do think he was hiding some powerful messages in there....or maybe he's just a great rhymer- either way I'm impressed.)
2) It is actually not that easy to read most of his books...and they are very long (bad week to lose my voice at school!)
3) Why can't I do this? I can rhyme and I make up words all the time...and he's really not even a doctor. Maybe I'll try it!
Here's some favorite quotes and then I think I'll take a few weeks off from the great author...We are Seussed out!
"Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try."

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than you."
"From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!"
"Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one."
"Things may happen and often do to people as brainy and footsy as you."
A new favorite from the movie tonight...
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better it's not."
Thanks to all the people who have cared a whole lot in my life:)
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