
Sometimes that first week back after a vacation is...a little challenging. As a teacher, I still get excited about Christmas break, summer, weekends, and snow days. I know some of these things are not quite as exciting if you are not a student or a teacher but that is a perk of my get to be a little giddy about these times. The great thing about working with 5 year olds is that they are excited about everything! This week they've been a little tired...we came back to school, it's colder than it has been, we have to use our brains again. After the first few hours of sharing Christmas stories...they were pretty much ready to go back to bed. And the same in my household...Parker and Tinley have had a hard time with waking up and getting going...sleeping till the very last minute...which they may have inherited from me! Parker has been so out of it, he ran right into the door at school today and got a big knot on his head! Don't worry, he's okay...just had to review looking where we are going...did he also get that from me? All our sleepiness aside, it's been nice to see friends this week and enjoy some low key nights at home...and we are thankful that we have arrived at Wednesday night without being late to work and still functioning (besides that whole door thing)! Hope you have found something to celebrate and be thankful for today! Happy Wednesday!!
Nothing like needing a rest from vacation! Poor babies...they'll get into the swing of things will you!