Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A big dose of THANKFULNESS

The lovely illustration above is a little bit of an indicator of our last few weeks. There have been germs, urgent cares and even hospital visits. It hasn't been fun but mostly this last month has taught me that I need a big dose of thankfulness... Most things we've gone through have been temporary and fixable (and need much lengthier conversations than blogging allows)...but this is not everyone's reality. Some of the people we love dearly don't get to walk away from hospitals and medicines so quickly...and would be thankful for only the small bumps in the road we've encountered. I'm thankful that we have medical care, that we have helpers supporting us, and that even amongst our "challenging" times, we have had so many things to enjoy. Praying this Thanksgiving for humble hearts and perspective that lasts beyond November.

Speaking of thankful, we loved another wonderful Veterans Day. I feel proud my children are growing up with a good understanding of people who sacrifice for them.

I mean....thankful doesn't quite describe what happens when I see this smile. Melt a Mama's heart...even in the laundry basket.

Another exciting thing: a Butterbean visit (not even over a holiday or vacation!)

A Happy birthday to this nine year old and Tinley's BFF. She is such a reminder of thankfulness.

The boys joined in for the Build A Bear fun. Love how these cousins love each other.

 Cousins gone wild. All these kiddos first limo ride!

Crazy hair day bows... I knew I bought all those bows for a reason.

 Don't tell but our Christmas decorations are out!

Operation Christmas Child continues to be one of the best ways I've seen for the kids to connect and participate in ministering to the world in a real tangible way.

Fun with our "old" neighbors and good friends. We miss them!

 The Christmas tree crew.  

Yep, I think a big dose of thankfulness is in order for the Bullis family..."Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."- 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Go Panthers!

Does your computer mess with you because mine messes with me. Like I don't know why it won't let me change the font of "Go Panthers" above or why it is underlined but I'm just going with it... and making it the title of this blog entry. Sometimes it works out not to be a perfectionist...

My main point about the Panthers was that I'm glad they are winning and I think Camden looks cute wearing his gear. So here he is.

His buddy Braylon had a Panthers party and there was way too much to look at to take a nice picture...but again they are super cute.

A few other fun things going on lately...

A Kindergarten trip to the farm. I love my team and that even when we are tired (really tired) have lots of paper on our desks (LOTS) and parents waiting to conference with us, we embrace the opportunity for a good time.

I'm particularly thankful for that as I watch my own children enjoy school.  It makes me realize it is all SO worth it.

Tinley's first Kindergarten field trip and bus ride.

And Halloween in our new neighborhood was a success. We went all out since it was on a Saturday and embraced our new holiday loving neighborhood.

Big kids on Halloween...They still love the hype (and the candy). Parker was glad to have some of his buds come over before the trick or treat.

Fun snacks! I love when something is cute and actually doesn't take any real baking. We loved having people over to celebrate with us and make the day of waiting until "go time" not so long!

A bunch of kids!! 

Isn't it fun to dress these babies while they still have no idea what's going on. We love our new little neighbor who was on her 2nd costume of the evening.

Sharing a plate of "puffs" was the best we could do for them.

My three precious children. As different as any 3 children could be and just perfect to their Mama.

Tinley found out those Southern Belles had a lot of work to keep from tripping on their skirt and keep their hats on straight.

It was so nice to take our time and enjoy friends all night long!

Tinley got a treat by going to a birthday party at the indoor pool...This was also Parker's first Kindergarten party that he went to. Lasting friendships are made here apparently.

Happy Booya.  

Look at this baby growing up!

Cousin selfies...

Parker loving with his new Minecraft wear. I still have no idea what it means. He says its not really scary although it looks scary to me.

 9 months and moving too fast!

Proud of how hard Parker and Tinley have worked this first quarter. Fourth grade is harder than it used to be...whew!

The germs have gotten us again but we are hoping this girl will be back in class and back at earning her bees with good character this week!