Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Summer- Are we there.....yet?

Summer is right around the corner...but having done this Memorial Day through the last day of school stretch, I know it can seem awfully slow...especially when you get a good taste of beach life just enough to tease.

Camden seemed to enjoy beach life or sleep right through a lot of it- so either way it worked out.

When did these boys start "laying out" I think maybe it was more of a midmorning nap?

Sand castles!

A little girl and her tall tall kite. Such a beautiful sight on the beach.

So is this.

Fun dip and a bikini from Aunt Tammy...now there's a good time!

More beach sleep...

But if you're worried about his sun protection, this is what he looked like most of the time!

Fun with the selfie stick!

Daddy burnt his feet and used the sand as his protection.

Silly silly swimming boys!

Finally awake after a blowout diaper!

We all scream for ice cream!

 Memorial Day always makes us feel patriotic and thankful.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The blink of an eye..

Wow....we have had so many life events in the month of May, I can hardly keep up myself. I truly understand the blink of an eye!! Was trying to combine way too much in this post so I picked my top eight (well not technically eight photos but eight "moments in time") I also realized some really "interesting" things had happened this month. Makes me laugh to look at these pictures and wonder what someone would think if they weren't captioned. Anyways...

1- Getting Flocked- was fabulous and fun!

2- Tinley painted a horse at a birthday party...just sayin... how do I not include that (see what I mean about "interesting.")

3- Camden learns to talk...well not really but he sure does try! See below...he makes you want to talk to him too.

4- Mother's Day with the boys...

 and the girl!

5- Happy Anniversary- 11 years!!

We got each other the same exact card. We really are predictable I guess!

6- Grandaddy's Birthday

7- Wow! I had a great time seeing some of my best friends and their kiddos! Awesome to see how we've grown!

8- Preschool Graduation...So proud of our girl!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

3 months with 3 kids- Lessons Learned

It has been a jam packed three months with three kids. Hard to believe the first month was full of snow days and now we're on the homestretch until summer (PRAISES!) There have been many things we've learned or relearned along the way. If I were going to give myself advice, this is what it would be. In no particular order.

1)  We will most likely be 7-10 minutes late to everything. Even with laying out things the night before or trying to think of those last minute things...there will be new last minute things. It's probably going to happen..go ahead and tell people you'll be 10 minutes late.

2)   Accept help ...from your family, from your friends, from the friendly chick fil a workers and nice people in the grocery store. Make the statement "Yes, I'd love you to___" a part of your vocabulary.

3) Forgiveness. Ask for it.. (See number 1 being late as one reason you'll need it)  from each other, from the people you inconvenience, etc. Give it. We (in our house) might need a little extra grace towards each other. Give it out abundantly!

4) Celebrate even small victories...Every one's fed (do a cheer!) We made it to school and work (oh yeah!) Every one's in agreement about where to go eat (alright!) And of course the firsts- baby first, big bro and sis firsts... all a reason to celebrate.

5) Enjoy...it truly is all a stage and it is too fast and too sweet to miss! So thankful for this crazy wonderful time in our lives.

Here are some of our most recent celebrations!