Unless I am completely prepared in my snow gear....I don't think I quite appreciate the cold temps like I should. I've decided I either want it to snow or be Spring. Anything in between is well...cold. I'm going to be really looking at what the groundhog has to say next week. Maybe I don't appreciate outside, but I do appreciate some places to warm up inside. After an early release Friday and lot of inside (our house) time, the kids were ready to let some energy out. Parker had 2 birthday parties to attend which meant Tinley got to come along for a little fun!
Last night the Brennemans came over and instead of staying together, the big girls went out for a movie and the boys (and Tinley) stayed home. We left Parker in charge;)
I think Parker enjoyed playing with the big boys and they were both thrilled to have a real baby to take care of. Clearly they were tired out and both fell asleep in my lap last night. Not many times I get to rock both my big babies to sleep. I do realize looking at this picture how long their legs are but I think they'll fit a while longer right?
We had lots going on at church today with Childcare Sunday. All the preschool kids sang Lord I Lift Your Name on High. Tinley knows every single word and sings it all. the. time., but on stage she resorted to fingers in mouth pose. One day she's gonna let her rockstar self from home out on that stage:)
Parker made this today in church. Brandon said he was about to have a serious conversation with Parker about his word choice before Parker informed him it said "Peace Out." Later Parker told me, "Daddy taught me how to spell peace the right way today after church." Thankful for a Daddy that realizes when it's time to teach a little spelling lesson to prevent further embarrassment.
Stay warm!