It sure is nice to write about Christmas vacation...and still have a little time off ahead of us. We have had a great week full of Christmas celebrating, laughter, late night conversations, silly games, and a few random adventures. So very thankful that we could spend time with so many people we love!
Christmas Eve tradition...delivering flowers with Grandpa!
We met Ella Charles...we love our baby visits!
Silly boys:)
Just one before tomorrow please:)
Twas the Night Before Christmas...
Never thought I would see a Ghostbuster on Christmas morning, but there he is!
Meet our new family member, Alice.
Showing off her doll to Grandmother Bullis
A kindle- now he can read all he wants!
Happy Birthday Jesus can tell this was my sixth attempt to get everyone in- they are getting distracted:)
Dramatic acting out for this game...
It's not a party without costumes...
Or cuddles:)
One of our Christmas presents was going to the Nutcracker-
So excited to see the show and spend some "girl time" together!
Booya and Butterbean made sure we knew the story before watching.
We all loved the ballet and had a great time together. Tinley even caught an after Christmas glance at Santa...but on this day she was more impressed with Clara.
A first Starbucks hot cocoa:)
Not a first...but always important to make our stop at Blue Ribbon!
And finally- Brandon shared his racing adventures with some first timers before we all parted ways.
Getting ready!
Parker just barely reached with all the accessories, but he did it!
This week zoomed by way too fast- time sure flies when you're having fun:)