Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The beach...in a seashell

I was going to say a nutshell but seashell just seemed to be more appropriate. And if a nutshell is supposed to make things a lot shorter...then a seashell is a little longer than that because I have so very many pictures. 

What might you see on one of our vacations...

Messages in the sand...

Porch sitting...

Full beds...

Running children...

Big kids and little kids running to get the icee lady...

Butterbean hugs...

A show- Alabama theatre this year!

Lots of hanging out by the water...

Lots of these girls with their babies...

Good Dads:)

 Lots of cousins in the hot tub!

Serious game playing:)

Hand holding...


Banana boating...

 Seashell finding...

 Boogie boarding...

 Girl Time...

 Boy time...

Phew...they're all here!

The one family picture!

And these bonus features show all our friends we got to see as a bonus on our way there or back!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

School's Out for Summer!

It just never gets less exciting...the last day of school that is:)

We had a bonus in going to Parker's end of year celebration in 2nd grade! Upon arrival, we were greeted with his animal book which he has been waiting for me to read. That Parker sure has a sense of humor;)

Here he is reading a card to one of the teacher assistants who helped him with math (which is his most challenging area- like his Mama).

Introducing the Continent song...a big hit in his class.

 His buds with the teacher assistants:)

Sweet Mrs. Rosales....a perfect match for Parker. He got the reading award and she talked about his love of reading already (like his Mama).

 We are very proud of all the growing that happened this year and can't believe that we now have a 3rd grader! In the elementary schools...we call this an "upper grade." Upper Grade! My son! 

The teachers do a little celebrating too. Love working with these friends and how hard they work to make a difference for children!

Happy Summer!

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Lately we have been...

Hanging outside with our neighbors...the good outside time that makes you realize it's bedtime but it was just too fun to come inside early.

We've been "pool hopping" getting ready for our summer and hoping we'll find our way to pools across the state!

This is all the pool Tinley and her friends from school need. 

And a place to lay out of course.

Bike riding has been a part of our daily routine. 

Lake water...

Fountain water...

 Upside down water. You name it- water is good stuff.

 We finally got to see what all the excitement is about with the new Knights stadium.

No matter where you are in the stadium...you have a great view. 

Of course you can't sit too long with Parker and Tinley. They have to check out all the other excitement.

Although I never knew there was cheerleaders for baseball, it was a bonus for Tinley.

What did they love about the game...a little cheering for the team, hoping for a home run, playing games, cotton candy, dipping dots, finding stuff at the Knights store, singing take me out to the ball game, mascots, cheerleaders, and rolling down this big grass hill.

 And we thought we were just gonna watch a ball game;)